Gateway For
Mega Constellations
The arrival of mega constellations is bringing massive potential for data but also big technical challenges to fully harness it’s benefits.
Celestia are delivering these solutions.
Compact Teleport
From single flat apertures to multi-faceted frustums, our gateway provides the optimum solution according to orbit type and satellite constellation density. These advanced systems replace multiple mechanically steered dish antennas, dramatically reducing real estate requirements.
Unique design providing 30+ simultaneous and fully independent wide band beams
•Full 2.5 GHz instantaneous bandwidth on each beam
•Simultaneous LHCP and RHCP
•No moving parts
•More to come…
Low Profile high bandwidth antennas for trains
Land Based User Terminals
Addressing the Connected Autonomous Vehicle ‘CAV’ ‘Connected Car’ markets and military connectivity requirements for vehicle-based systems providing high data rate from reliable networks with low power usage.
Aeronautical User Terminals
Low Profile, Low Power, Wideband
Antennas for HAPS, Drones & Aircraft
Supporting IFC, Broadband services & 5G cell connectivity
Total software controllable beams allows real-time beam shaping and null creation to easily allow regulatory compliance and overcome and avoid interference
Custom Antenna Design
Active and Passive antenna design and beamforming. Physical design and build of antennas and RF solutions, in analogue and digital beamforming and in system integration and testing. With all this know-how, we can also offer deployment-ready antennas and systems solutions.